The perfect Saturday begins with sleeping in and typically involves thrifting. I have my favorite places and each is a pretty well kept secret. I have a three to four thrift stores and then an antique mall routine. I only took pictures at the antique mall to share and I know that shopping there is not technically thrifting, but you’re not the boss of me. Pictured above are three frealz Herman Miller fiberglass shell chairs, the kind whose bases lock together on the sides.

I’ve been stalking this guy. It was originally marked at $700, which is completely bonkers, and is now down to $600 and I’m keeping an eye on it. This piece is in amazing condition so I think I’d be willing to pay $300, but since I don’t actually have anywhere to put it or one practical use for it, I shouldn’t even be thinking about it. But maybe I’ll make an offer. And I’ll tell them they can keep the wrestling jaguars.

There is nothing creepier than old photographs and paintings of children. The squirrel listening to the acorn is a charmer and don’t even think about messing with that cat’s yarn.

Now onto some things I brought home with me. I found this little Pittsburgh plate at my first stop. It features an odd selection of landmarks: The Civic Arena, The Westinghouse Bridge, The Cathedral of Learning, The Block House, and the Mt. Washington Incline. I love the frilly shape and gold leaf border and how they in no way suit anything else on the plate.

This tray only proves that I will be certain I want something and will die if I don’t find it until I actually do. It’s pretty much exactly what I was looking for, perhaps better, but it’s just too big. And I have to keep in mind that I live with a boy and should stop bringing home so many floral brass laden objects. I’ll be finding a new home for this one soon.

It’s the stuff I’m never looking for that I like the most. We actually need another colander, and this enamelware beauty is perfect. Those legs!

These two are my new pride and joy. The prickly little lamb with her seductive leg and tiny gold feet made me stop dead in my tracks. I carried her around close to me all through the store like the treasure she is. The poodle’s expression delights me. He is so unimpressed. It’s a happy coincidence that they’re both wearing bows. I’m not sure where in the apartment these two will live yet, though the lamb looks almost perfect on my nightstand. I might put the poodle in the bathroom.
“Tell them to keep the wrestling jaguars”? Are you kidding? That’s the best part. Some day I want my whole bedroom to be decorated in Jaguars with a black velvet bed. I would pay $300 alone for those jaguars.
Guess who’s getting a shiny jaguar sculpture for the next gift giving holiday.