I’ve been hesitant to share pictures of my apartment because I’m embarrassed of the walls. They’re the color of masking tape. Shiny shiny masking tape. However, we’re renewing our lease and are finally going to paint and I figured I should have some before pictures. I really should have ironed that dishtowel.

I bought a pendant lamp this week for $12 because I’m a terrible haggler. I need to rewire it but otherwise it’s in pretty good shape. I took it apart, cleaned all the metal bits, and teak oiled the wood hoops. This is the before picture. I hope you could tell. Bonus: The lady at the antique mall told me that this fixture was borrowed to be used in a new J.J. Abrams movie. That means I’m famous.

Also new to me this week is this expandable bench. It definitely needs a lot of work, the middle legs are a bit shaky and orange just isn’t my color, but I figured it was worth a try for about $15. I removed a million staples to see if there was an original upholstery layer hiding under all that orange. The last thing I expected to find was another layer of the exact same orange vinyl. It’s 10x cleaner and 10x more orange. My guess is whoever made this little beast carefully upholstered the seats in his or her favorite vinyl, put everything together, sat down, and realized there just wasn’t enough cushion. There’s an extra layer of foam stapled to the original vinyl so I can’t salvage the fabric, but at least now I know. I don’t like secrets between me and my furniture.
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