I’m vegan but my boyfriend, Andy, is not. Because I’m the one who cooks most nights and also happen to be a pretty great cook, he eats like a vegan, at least for dinner, and with almost no complaints. I have a small rotation of meals that I make frequently but I’m trying to introduce some variety. I’ve ordered a replacement copy of Veganomicon (I lent mine out a year or two ago and never saw it again) and Isa’s new Appetite for Reduction. While I wait for them to arrive, I’ve been searching my existing vegan cookbook library for something new to try. This week I made burgundy mushrooms (too garlicy, said Andy) and cornmeal crusted seitan (delicious, said Andy).
Some people will tell you to never rinse mushrooms and to instead just wipe them with a wet cloth. Don’t trust them. Mushrooms really won’t be ruined by water if you simply rinse them in a colander and blot them afterward. That’s what I do because I like my mushrooms clean. Also, always store asparagus standing in little bit of water in the fridge.

Asparagus with pine nuts is a favorite of ours, veganized from Fast, Fresh & Green, an amazing, all vegetable cookbook. Country fried seitan is another favorite and I often pair it with the asparagus and pinenuts. I used to think making seitan from scratch was a huge endeavor before I tried it but it’s really pretty simple and can be done in advance to save time when preparing weeknight meals. Battered in a mix of flour, nutritional yeast, and old bay and then fried in canola oil, the seitan cutlets are great on their own, in a sandwich, or on top of a salad. The recipe is from Vegan Yum Yum, my absolute favorite cookbook and food blog.
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