Today is my most dearest Marne’s birthday. I made this little pouch for her out of linen, unbleached canvas for support, a vintage metal zipper, and cotton with a tiny scissor print. It’s been awhile since I’ve sewn something like this so I had to relearn a bit. My favorite trick for sewing zippers is to use spray adhesive – it won’t gum up your machine and won’t bunch up your fabric the way pins tend to.

I also gave Marne some Alpaca stationery and blind box items from Kawaii Gifts. I’m so excited about Travis Cain‘s second series of blind box BFFs. I missed out on the first series and have been mourning that fact ever since. I bought one for Marne and one for myself because I couldn’t resist. She got the burger and knife (Chuck + Johnny) which is PERFECT for her and I got the super rare lungs and cigarette (Chesterfield + Weezy + Pete) which is also kinda perfect for me because smoking is probably my least favorite thing ever.
Marne, I hope your birthday is completely wonderful in every single way. Love you!
Yippie! Happy Birthday Marne!
Twas a lovely birthday. Emily’s gifts were definitely at the top of the list. Sending her many links to overpriced “poorly made” pouches on Etsy that I was considering for months paid off! <3 Thanks Em!
(and thanks Manda!)