I’ve been slowly battling the masking tape colored walls of our apartment. Above are two “before” shots of the bathroom. The walls are finished (well, they’re good enough) but I need to finish the door and the trim around the window. There is absolutely nothing I can do about the sea shell sink.

My mom was kind enough to help me paint the bedroom two weekends ago. Look at that beautiful trim all dressed up in Benjamin Moore’s Simply White. See how yellow those walls are? So. Awful. The walls and ceiling are finished now too, just two doors and a window to go.
My plan is to finish painting this weekend. I WILL finish painting this weekend and have something to show for it next week. Right?

This is how Penelope feels about that.
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[…] the bathroom from this post? Well, this is our new navy bathroom and I think it’s rather classy. Classy or not, it is […]