Under layers and layers of paint on the staircase of the house is beautiful oak. Four flights of stairs like these is why people hire other people to work on their houses. As one of the hired people, I’m grateful I’m not the one doing the sanding. For hours. And hours. Nor am I the one installing a new HVAC system and crawling into the upper recesses of the house, emerging like a miner covered head to toe and every eyelash in coal dust.
The plan up to now has been to simply repaint the stairs as removing the existing paint altogether and staining would have put us way over budget. I had no idea they’d be sanding down to the wood before painting but now that I’ve seen it, I’m wondering if we can save at least some of it from paint. I’m picturing white balusters and risers with black treads and a stained oak handrail. Nice, right?
That staircase needs more windows and I know just how to solve that.
I bet you do. You’re so helpful.