This handsome guy is my dad. His name is Joe and he can do anything. He can build anything and fix anything. You can ask anyone and they’ll tell you the same.
My dad has worked every day of his life and has earned everything he has ever had. He doesn’t sleep in, not even on weekends. He likes Pixar movies and the SyFy channel. He is half Korean and has seven brothers and sisters. He doesn’t care to speak if he has nothing to say; I am the same way. He will wear whatever my mother buys for him. He is patient and he has a temper. He will put jalapenos on anything.
I did not always understand my dad and throughout my teens, I thought I hated him. I regret those years. I know my dad now, I didn’t then, and I can honestly say I adore him. He is kind and he is proud of his children. I would not call my father an affectionate man, at least not in the way you see fathers behave in movies; his love is a quieter sort and feels infinitely more valuable.
I hope your Father’s Day was awesome, Dad. I hope you relaxed, even for just a few minutes. Thanks for being exactly who you are. And hey, Dad, I love you.
1 Comment
oh my gosh. i have those same exact sentiments for my father. being a teenage girl is so hard- i don’t know how anyone, including fathers, gets through it.